We Keep You Up and Running. Every industrial scale and measuring device requires maintenance to sustain a high level of accuracy. Data Weighing Systems provides full service and support on our comprehensive line of scale products. All employees performing service activities are trained on the appropriate and recognized procedures. We staff a team of technicians with L.A.B. 17025 accreditation and calibration certification.
We offer repair services all brands of crane scales and dynamometers in addition to those that we sell.
Whenever possible we recommend calibrating all Crane Scales and Dynamometers to capacity. This can be done in three ways: Lifting Calibrated test weights, Comparing to a previously calibrated crane scale, or testing in a calibrated test stand.
We leverage our in-depth knowledge of software and hardware to solve data collection and material control problems. Scales, scanners, printers and computers are all part of our integrated packages.
Featured Crane Scale
The EDXtreme Dillon Dynamometer was engineered for superior strength and corrosion resistance…more
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The Crane scale division of Data Weighing Systems specializes in the measurement of load and force in conjunction with all types of lifting and pulling devices. Related services include: